
Panshanger Park

Twelve animals of Christmas

December 18, 2023
December is often a month for snuggling up and spending more time inside, sometimes disconnecting us a little from the outside world and our local green spaces. However, December and Christmas have a number of associations with wildlife and nature.
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Welcoming winter’s visitors

November 29, 2023
We are now very much in the midst of autumn, with the autumnal winds whirling the leaves off the trees in a colourful display of orange, reds, yellows and browns.
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Dead wood is dead good

November 2, 2023
Autumn has well and truly arrived despite this year’s late summer heat, with signs of this at the park. The leaves on the trees are showing that greeny-brown hue, and fruiting fungus, most commonly-recognised in the form of a mushroom, can be seen poking through the leaf litter on the...
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Panshanger Park celebrates nine years of parkrun

October 20, 2023
Wednesday 11 October marked the ninth anniversary of parkrun at Panshanger Park, with celebrations taking place on Saturday 14 October.
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One-year anniversary for Wildlife Watch

October 11, 2023
It has been a fragmented sort of summer; the bright June weather became but a distant memory and a resignation that we’d seen the summer sunshine peak. But September brought with it a resurgence of the summer weather and the wildlife! Many butterflies and insects re-emerged and became active again.
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Hertfordshire parkland identified as haven for beetle biodiversity

September 20, 2023
Leading ecologists have identified Panshanger Park in Hertfordshire as one of the most important habitats for a group of beetles in the UK, including recording a significant number of rare species. 
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A weekend of history at Panshanger Park

August 25, 2023
The summery weather has been in short supply this year, however, even if the sun isn’t shining there’s still plenty of reasons to go outside and enjoy your local green spaces.
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Saddling up with the pony club at Panshanger Park

August 8, 2023
Members of the Enfield Chace Hunt Pony Club were able to enjoy a summertime ride around the sights of Panshanger Park.
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Panshanger Park is now on Instagram

August 4, 2023
We’re now on Instagram!
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Panshanger Park’s dragonfly hotspot

July 26, 2023
As the summer season progresses it’s a good time of year to be looking for dragonflies and damselflies. Why not head down to Panshanger Park for some great spotting opportunities?
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